My Beauty Product List and a Request

A couple of my friends have posted lists of beauty products they love on their blogs. I wanted to do the same only I couldn't come up with a top 10 list because when it comes down to it there just aren't a lot of products I am passionate about. To be honest, I didn't expect this to be so hard for me because I love beauty products. I know I spend a small fortune each year on cleansers, creams, and makeup but it is because I am constantly on the search for what is going to work best for me. I am still searching for the perfect foundation that provides just the right amount of coverage and lasts throughout a day at work and the perfect cleanser to help my 30-something breakouts. I am not great about sticking to a routine either. It is no big deal for me to go to bed without washing my face and I rarely if ever use moisturizer or eye cream. So on that note I am going to post my 5 most loved products (in no particular order) and ask (no, beg) for more suggestions on products to ...