
Showing posts from February, 2009

The Single Life

I have been thinking a lot about my life and what I want out of my next relationship recently. I look around at everything I have and have accomplished since my divorce and I have to say that I am quite proud of myself. I have come so much further than I ever would have imagined I could on my own. I love my house. I like my life for the most part (we all have our moments) and work is good. I have often questioned how I handle everything if I found the one tomorrow. Where would we live? Whose furniture would we use? Would I be willing to share my closet? How would Maverick react to a new human in his life? I know these aren't questions I have to answer right away but they are thoughts that I have. Life isn't like it was when I was getting married the first time. I was at a point where I was willing to give up everything to be with the man I thought I loved. I am not so sure I would be as willing now. The truth is I still believe I found the one for me but for whate

Valentine's Day

I have never liked Valentine's Day. It has always been a reminder to me that I am unlucky in love because I am typically alone on this holiday for lovers. In high school, I would watch my friends walk around with balloons, teddy bears, and flowers from their boyfriends. My roommate and I actually sent flowers to ourselves on Valentine's Day my sophomore year because we wanted the other girls in the dorm to think we had actually gotten something. While I was married, I spent most of my Valentine's Days alone thanks to the Army. So now that I am divorced it is only worse because not only am I alone and reminded that I am unlucky in love but also I am reminded of my failures. Last year I was dumped right before Valentine's Day. This year there are no prospects on the horizon. Every time I open the newspaper or turn on the TV, I am greeted by ads for chocolates and gifts and flowers and reservations for dinner. What I wouldn't give to have someone surprise me