Little Boy, Little Man

Jackson is working on his molars right now and I swear those things are going to be the death of us. Teething has turned my happy baby into a fussy, clingy mess. And I'm secretly happy for it. You see, even though it was exhausting at times, I got my snuggly baby back at least for this weekend. Now that Jackson is a toddler, he no longer wants to snuggle with me. Bedtime consists of a sippy cup of milk and then straight to bed where he will either go right to sleep or fuss until he falls asleep. I try to snuggle a bit and get him to settle down but he has no interest in it and squirms until I put him down or take him to his room. Sunday morning Jackson fell asleep in my lap and I didn't want to move because I already miss all the times that he fell asleep on me and I just loved holding him. I look at him now and I see him growing up so fast right before my eyes. He isn't my tiny baby anymore. He is curious and into everything. ...