Monday Night Boredom

So it is a Monday night during the summer and nothing good is on TV. I hate that break in television scheduling when all the regular season shows are on hiatus or reruns and the summer shows haven’t started yet. I was going to watch the Apprentice finale after I let Maverick play in the yard for a bit but it hadn’t started yet. Deal or No Deal was still on. I think I must be the only person in the world who is not a fan of that show. I don’t know what it is but it just doesn’t do it for me. My day was uneventful at most. I woke up and headed to the office to check my email and myspace only to witness the sprinkler company truck arriving. Finally I am getting my sprinkler system so my grass won’t look like crap anymore. After only an hour, their machine broke so they have to come back tomorrow. More delays! Great! So, I went shopping. I drove to Georgetown to get the rest of the napkin rings to match my patriotic summer decor from Kohl’s. So what if I got a few more things besides the napkin rings. I had to make the 30 minute drive worth my while! If you can’t tell, I am just killing time right. The Apprentice starts in two minutes.


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