Hen Party

Last night I had what Shawn calls a “hen party” better known to me as a Pampered Chef party. (Oh, how I love Pampered Chef products!) Apparently, in my husband’s world, women are hens and when we get together it is a hen party. However, much fun was had by all. There is just something great about getting a bunch of women together to just be women even if you don’t all know each other. A few weeks ago, my church sponsored a ladies’ retreat at beautiful conference center in a nearby town (somehow everything is nearby in Central Texas!) It was the most refreshing and relaxing weekend I had had in a long time. Shawn and I had been dealing with a lot of stress about the upcoming deployment before the retreat but life was much happier afterward. It didn’t hurt that he greeted me at the door with flowers upon my return and I had only been gone for 24 hours. The other ladies and I that planned the retreat are already talking about what to do for next year’s retreat. I would love an escape like that once a month. Massages and facials are great but it was so fun to sit up and giggle like teenagers at a slumber party. The big difference now is we are all married to the boys we were talking about.


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