An Austinite at Last

Well the day finally came for my apartment in Austin to be available. I can officially call myself an Austinite now that I have a job and a residence in this fine city. I woke up last Saturday and waited patiently for the movers to arrive so I could watch them pack my life away. Ten hours later I was sitting in my apartment in Austin surrounded by more boxes than I knew what to do with. Losing 200 square feet and a bedroom may not seem like a lot but it is for me since the majority of the space lost was in the kitchen. While I know I have a lot of kitchen gadgets, I still figured there would be some way to cram all the stuff into the cabinets and the pantry. Well, 5 days later I am still staring at stacks of random Pampered Chef products wondering where I am going to put all this stuff. And then there was the mystery of the missing kitchen box. Half of my everyday dishes made it into one box while the other half made it into another box. Well, once we (thanks to help from Mom and Jenny) unpacked all the boxes labeled kitchen or pantry, we realized half my dishes were still missing. After much searching, I finally located the last kitchen box last night on the bottom of the stack in the back of the closet in the guest room. Hopefully, I will be able to continue locating hiding spots for my serving dishes throughout the apartment after we indulge in a Thanksgiving meal at one of the local fine dining establishments. Yes, I should be cooking but given the above mentioned state of my kitchen, I think that would be virtually impossible. Mom and I are currently partaking in our annual Thanksgiving tradition of watching the Macy’s Parade before getting started on the day. I am ready to be unpacked and completely moved in. I am even more ready for my house in Killeen to sell. As for Maverick, I am not sure how he is adjusting to apartment life. He doesn’t seem to be a big fan of the whole walking on a leash thing and I really hate having to clean up after him. He also seems to think that he is protecting me from the “crazy people” jogging down the trail by our apartment by barking like mad and trying to run after them. I am worried that the neighbors will think I am abusing my dog because he insists on barking the entire time I am in the shower getting ready for work in the mornings. At least I know how to ignore him. I do think he is enjoying getting to spend more time with me now that I live 10 minutes from work instead of an hour from work. Well, it is almost time for Santa so I should run. Happy Turkey Day! Gobble! Gobble!


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