Lazy Day

Thanks to the cold temperature and rain, today has turned out to be a very lazy day for Maverick and me. Puppy dog has pretty much not left my side on the couch since this morning, with the exception of jumping up to bark at the Pizza Delivery person. Mom & Dad left this morning to drive back to Alabama and hopefully avoid some of the post-Thanksgiving traffic. I should be unpacking the boxes that seem to be multiplying like rabbits around here but somehow I have gotten sucked into the reruns of the first season of October Road on the Soap Network (who knew there was a Soap Network?). Despite not leaving the house, I still managed to be hit on today. After muting October Road and curling up for a nap with Puppy, there was a knock on my door. All I could think to myself was that no one knows where I live so who would be here? Of course it was someone trying to sell me something. Some guy in some program selling books to help earn money for college (UT of course). During our conversation, he proceeded to ask for my number (to which I said I have a boyfriend…I don’t but it worked) and tell me I didn’t look a day over 19 (Ha! Yeah Right!). However, the 19 comment did make my day, especially considering my hair was back in a knot and I was wearing my glasses with no makeup. Of course I had to remind myself that this guy was trying to sell me something so of course he would do what it takes to butter me up. But that brings me to a point I have been pondering recently. I have received several comments about not looking my age over the last few months. That was something I used to hear a lot when I was younger but hadn’t heard much in the last few years. I now realize how much stress my marriage put me through. For the first time in years, I feel young and free and it shows. A huge weight was lifted off of me when I realized that I could move on and be myself again. The future has so many great things in store for me and I honestly can’t wait to find out what they are. So…here’s to the future and let’s hope Alabama pulls off a miracle today.


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