The Wait is Over

I woke up this morning feeling like someone was trying to rip apart my stomach which was not good since I knew there was no way I could take a day off work. Not quite sure what caused it but I can tell you that the casserole I ate leftovers from last night is going in the trash when I get home. So, I dragged myself around the apartment this morning getting ready and headed out into the cold for the 10 minute drive to my office. I remember that I hadn’t picked up the mail from the evening before because my car was loaded down with groceries from my first real trip to the grocery store since moving to Austin. So, I headed over to the mail center and opened my box and there it was…like a light shining down from the heavens…an envelope that read “Shelia F. Norman, District Clerk, Bell County, Texas.” Finally, after nearly a month of waiting, my divorce decree had arrived. I could now officially return to my maiden name. Suddenly I felt better and there is a little added spring in my step. So now I can start the round of name changes that will be necessary in order to make my transformation complete.

On a side note, I hate the HEB* near my office. I can’t believe I would actually say the one in Killeen is nicer but it is. At least it is bigger. I couldn’t believe how cramped the aisles were and it was laid out weird. I can only hope that the HEB that opens up closer to my apartment in the old Albertson’s on Wednesday is going to be nicer. I did however sample a piece of the HEB sushi (J would be so proud!) which I must admit was quite tasty. I almost went back and bought more to eat for dinner last night. Now if I could just find an HEB Plus I would be OK.

*For those non-Texans out there, HEB is the greatest grocery store chain which of course can only be found in Texas. And for me to say greatest it must be good coming from a girl who grew up in the land of Delchamps (oh how I miss those days). I was actually sad at the thought of leaving Texas because I enjoyed shopping at HEB so much. (I know…I lead a sad life.)


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