Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

OK...so I know I have been away for awhile. I had someone keeping me busy at first and then I just couldn't bring myself to write anything. I am going to try to run through a quick update of the last two months without going into too much detail and then I am going to submit a post on some of the deep thoughts I have had recently (I can feel the excitement now!) Shortly after my last post, J and I ventured to Mobile for the 2008 La Luna Ball where a drunken good time was had by all as I pranced around dressed like Marilyn Monroe and J looked smashing in his tails. (The theme was A Red Carpet Affair by the way.)
January passed pretty much without fanfare. Maverick returned home from Doggy Rehab (or Boot Camp which ever you prefer) and I received an offer on my house in Killeen all in the course of two days at the end of the month. The Giants won the Super Bowl. Go Baby Brother Eli! Mardi Gras Day came and went without notice in Texas. I discovered I have high cholesterol and a B-12 deficiency which means I now carry a small pharmacy in my purse everyday. J and I broke up so I spent Valentine's Day alone with a pizza and a bottle of wine. I voted for my first democrat ever in the Presidential Primary. I found a house online, fell in love with it and put an offer in on it over a three day period. I closed on my house in Killeen and bought an iPhone as a reward for my patience. Work has been unbelievably busy which has been welcomed since it takes my focus off of the sadder things in my life. I think that pretty much sums up the last two months. If I think of more, I will add it later.


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