Life is too Short

I am a little sad today. I got the news yesterday that a friend from college had succumbed to breast cancer at the age of 29. It is sad when anyone dies but even more so when a young life is cut short. Not only does it remind you how short life is, but it also reminds you to call your friends. Jessica and I were not close but we did hang out in college. She has been in Houston the past few years so I could have gone to visit at any time. This just reminds me to not let life pass me by but to live it to the fullest. Don't let anything stop you from doing what you want to do. To all my friends, know that I love you even though I don't stay in touch as much as I should. Thanks for being there for me when I have needed you.

On a side note, today is also the 2nd anniversary of the passing of my sweet Nanny. I had a dream about visiting her grave last night and telling her about everything she has missed in the last two years. I wonder if she would be proud of how I have handled my life since the divorce or disappointed because Shawn and I are not together anymore.

Sorry to be so melancholy tonight. You know that I try to keep things upbeat and fun here at Just Say Julie. I promise to perk up in the next couple of days. After all I only have 5 weeks until I move.


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