March 13th

Yesterday was quite an amazing day. I got to witness one of those moments in life that everyone hopes and dreams for (at least every woman). My office mate, Alisha, became Mrs. Baker in a very sweet ceremony at the most beautiful location I have ever seen for a wedding. I have been blessed to get to know Alisha and Dustin over the last few months and to be able to call them my friends. It is truly great to see one of those couples that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt will make it forever and grow old together. I echo the sentiments of Dustin's best man and cousin, Casey, when he said that it is great to see something that is so right in the world. Congratulations you two! I wish you all the best.
On another note, two of my best friends in this world became moms to 2 year olds yesterday. It is hard to believe that it has been two years since Scout and Austin both made their presence know to this earth. I am glad that I have gotten to spend time with these two adorable kiddos and that they both love their Auntie JuJu. I must say that it is amazing to me to watch Ronda and Jennifer as mothers. They both do a fantastic job as parents and I can only hope that one day I will be as lucky as they are.