
Today I took the plunge and did something I have been debating since I was 18. I got a tattoo. One of my co-workers, Edie, and I have been discussing doing this for several weeks now and today was finally the day. I picked my design:

And showed it to my tattoo artist, Leo, at Diablo Rojo who told me it would take about 20 minutes. Well that was by far the longest most painful 20 minutes of my life! (I think it actually took about 30 minutes not counting the break after the outline.) The outline was definitely the worst part and I started to feel flushed and began to think I was going to pass out and throw up. So a break and a cup of cold water was definitely in order. The shading actually wasn't as bad but still felt like I was being burned and scratched at the same time. Here I am as the shading was being done.

Don't be fooled...I was in pain. It still stings a bit but I think the finished result turned out pretty well. What do you think?


CraftyHope said…
OMG!!! You're so brave. Where's that yuppie now? ;)
Anonymous said…
You're a brave one.. my first tattoo was on my shoulder, which = NO PAIN AT ALL, so I jumped into my second one (same locale as yours) with a zest unmatched. Went for a five inch long sprawling ivy vine WITH TWO BUTTERFLIES. I was in HORRIBLE pain.

Because, dur, it's right on your spinal cord.

I haven't gotten another since.
Anonymous said…
hey julie! i found you through my sister's facebook! i am not on facebook, just live vicariously through the tattoo, looks a bit like an azalea, am i right?....will you be heading to AL anytime soon for a visit? would love to catch email is talk soon


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