More DP Goodness

I am heading to Dallas tomorrow morning bright and early to see Jimmy Buffett in concert. I am super excited about this since I have never gotten to see him live. The man did grow up in my home town and he rarely plays there. So this evening I made a last minute run to Walgreen's (because they have everything!) to grab a few essentials for my trip. As I was about to stroll down the snack aisle to grab some granola bars for the road, I spotted a new Dr Pepper product that I just had to buy.

Dr Pepper Soda Pops...Dr Pepper Freezer Pops. Who knew!?! They are like the Flavor Ice things I used to eat all the time as a kid but in Dr Pepper flavor. AWESOME! So...of course I bought some and you better believe I will be sucking on one in the morning on my way to James' house for our 5 AM departure. Oh and the Krispy Kremes are for my trip mates. I thought I would be nice and buy us breakfast for the road. Besides, how could I drive by Krispy Kreme when the "Hot Doughnuts Now" sign was on? Fins up everyone! See you in Margaritaville!


CraftyHope said…
Ohhhhhhh you got to see JB!!!! I am so very jealous as you could guess. I want details ASAP.

And as for the doughnuts for you trip mates. . .sound very familiar. ;)
Did anybody want one?

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