Back to Reality

The last couple of weeks have been unbelievably crazy. I closed on my house and went back to my apartment only to find the bathroom flooded for the second time in a week. I decided then to move my moving date up 9 days and had movers at my apartment on Thursday. That wouldn't seem crazy to most people but I was leaving for New York at 6 AM on Friday morning. I had a blast with the other Jackson women in Manhattan for the weekend (more to follow on that soon). However, stepping back off the plane in Austin late Monday night/early Tuesday morning, I realized I had to return to reality and face what was waiting for me at home. First was the death of a close friend from my old job in Killeen. So my first stop Tuesday was to visit his grave since I had missed the funeral while I was out of town. (I will write more about that later when I am able to do it without crying.) Then I knew I had a mountain of boxes to climb and a bunch of furniture to assemble once I headed home. There are times when I would love to have a man in my life just to help me handle theses types of things. But with the luck I have had recently, I think swearing off the dating scene for a while is the best thing for me. Which brings me to today. I was back at work today despite the fact I wanted to be home unpacking more boxes and getting my place organized. I had an appointment with Dena (my therapist) this afternoon so I didn't have to work a full day. After my appointment, I decided to take my car in for a much needed bath. I definitely paid too much money because the interior of my car doesn't look any cleaner than it did when I walked in there. However, they did have complementary chair massages while you wait. That was nice because I haven't been under any stress recently (ha...yeah right!) After that, I headed back north to do some shopping for the house and then home to continue climbing the mountain. I made a pretty big dent in the kitchen tonight and probably could have finished if I would stay off the Internet. I did get to meet one of my new neighbors tonight. She was coming over to complain because Maverick was barking outside their bedroom window. Who goes to sleep at 10 PM anyway? I think I am going to like living here.


CraftyHope said…
Oh Girlie - I'm so glad y'all had fun in NYC, sorry about your friend, and can't wait to hear more about the house. I'm thinking about you. Hope all goes well!

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