Did ya miss me?

To the MavsMom faithfuls (yes, all 4 of you), my sincerest apologies for my recent absence. Being that I just moved two weeks ago, I am sure you know what I have been doing. Somehow I don't feel like I have made much progress. Honestly, it feels like all I have done is move the boxes from the garage to the house. So...here is an update on what has been going on in my world. First, I took the plunge and bought my first new car a week ago. I upgraded from my 2000 Toyota Solara (she will be greatly missed) to a 2008 Toyota 4 Runner. I love it! There is something so fun about being a little girl in a big truck!Next, I decided to go back to my natural hair color. While it is not exactly the same, it is pretty close at this point and will make it easier to grow out into my natural color. It was time for a change (and much easier on the pocket book).Lastly, Jenny (sister-in-law) and I head up to Killeen for the case lot sale at the commissary today. It was definitely weird being back on Fort Hood for the first time in more than 6 months. Jenny and I truly racked up some great deals. I would post a picture but my computer isn't letting me load them right now. So, I will have to save that for later. I realize I owe all of you a blog about New York. I promise it is coming very soon now that I have my pictures loaded on Picasa. So...stay tuned.


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