How You Know You Have Too Many Clothes
So my plan for the weekend was to hit the boxes hard so I could get closer to being unpacked and organized. Saturday morning I worked on moving boxes from the garage to the house so I could sort through them without sweating my rear end off. After that I headed to the Toyota dealership to have Lo Jack installed in my car. Apparently there was some confusion between the dealership and Lo Jack and they tried to tell me that I didn't have an appointment. As a matter of fact they said, "We don't know why you are here." Frankly I was annoyed and aggravated. Eventually they worked it out so my 20 minute drive wasn't in vain. My friend, Brad, came over after that and helped me with some of the items on my to do list such as hooking up the washer and dryer and ice maker while I worked on unpacking. After picking my car back up, I returned home and hit the boxes again and put together the console table for my living room. This morning I headed to church and then Cafe Java for lunch and back to the house motivated to work in my bedroom. I spent the afternoon hanging the last of my clothes and putting together my shoe rack. Once I got done I started on the boxes that I had moved into my bedroom. About that time I heard a crack. When I turned around, I could see that the rod in my closet was separating from the wall. I ran into the closet to pull out some of the clothes just in time for the entire thing to come crashing down. I would say that is a pretty good sign that I own too many clothes and need to down size a bit. I now have dreams of my own custom closet although I know it won't be as grand as the one Big built for Carrie.
