My Weekend

For once I was actually really busy this weekend. It all started with a girls' night to see the Sex and the City movie. I must say that I thought it was really great and ended exactly how I wanted it to. However, there were parts of the movie that really hit home. If I was one to cry at movies, I would have. The best line of the evening came from one of the three guys I saw leaving the theater after being dragged to it by his girlfriend. Walking out of the show he said, "Man, that was the worst Indian Jones I have ever seen!" Classic! I true blogger form I promised to blog that statement and there it is. Saturday I volunteered to work at the Cattle Baron's Ball which is a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. All in all I think the event was a success but I was severely annoyed by the seeming lack of organization. I am still not buying the whole cowboy boots with a dress thing but several ladies were working it last night. It is growing on me a bit but it still isn't a fashion statement I am ready to make. This morning I woke to get ready for church after getting home really late from the Cattle Baron's Ball. When I checked my email, I realized that eHarmony had matched me with one of my co-workers. I am still debating what to do about this. I don't know if I should try to start communication with him or wait and see if he will. The thing is I actually have a bit of a crush on this particular co-worker so I would be interested in dating him. I am just not sure if he would be interested as well. So how do I handle this without making it an awkward situation for either one of us? On another note, I finally have my living room, kitchen, and dining room organized. The house is really starting to feel like mine. However, I am still short a chair in the dining room. First Pottery Barn only sent me 3 chairs when I ordered 6 so I had to call them and have 3 more delivered. I just got those this week. When I opened the boxes today, I discovered that one of the chairs had a large chip on the leg. So I have to call Pottery Barn again and ask for them to send me a replacement chair and take the defective one. One day my house will be finished and all the boxes will be gone (or at least I can dream!)


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