Maverick & Me

I had to make a quick trip to Oklahoma City this week for work. Normally when I am traveling I make observations about my fellow travelers and comment on any mishaps that might befall me along the way. However, I miraculously had no mishaps and my fellow travelers didn't provide me with any new material to comment on. This trip did afford me the opportunity to catch up on some reading. You see I tend to do my best reading on airplanes. I joined a book club a few weeks ago and my first reading assignment was Marley and Me by John Grogan. Now I had heard a little about this book but never really thought to read it. But with the movie coming out, the book has regained popularity. Being a proud dog owner and lover, I realized that this was a must read. So I spent my flights to and from OKC devouring this book. I must say that I laughed out loud many times as I read Marley's antics and related them to tales of my own beloved pup. I am sure my row mates were confused by my tears as I read the last few chapters telling of Marley's golden years and death. After reading this book, I realized that I had not done a very good job of relating Maverick stories to my faithful followers. After all, my selected alias on Blogger is MavsMom so it would be logical for me to recount stories of my rambunctious beagle. I had a co worker in Killeen who loved hearing tales of Maverick and his daily craziness. I did realize that I need to record his tales so that they may never be forgotten. So soon I will be regaling you with Maverick stories to make sure my pup lives forever in the minds of those who love him (or at least for me!) So be prepared to laugh at the moments that fill my dull life and bring me a bit of joy.


Anonymous said…
You should have called/emailed! We could have come down to see ya in OKC! :) We're only an hour 1/2 away! And, can't wait to read MavTales! :D

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