Checking In

I know it has been a couple of weeks since I wrote anything and that is mostly because I haven't had a lot to tell. I do have a couple of updates to pass on. First, I have missed my training for the last couple of weeks. The first week was due to the threat of a little storm known as Ike. The next week was for a trip to Six Flags in San Antonio. This week is was the case lot sale in Killeen. I know...I know. I am supposed to be dedicated to the program. Well, I have bad news to report. I don't think I am going to be able to complete the half marathon. I have started having problems with one of my toes. I am thinking that I injured it when I was dancing and it never healed properly. Now it hurts and I am heading to the doctor to determine what is wrong. I had noticed it before but I think all the training time on my feet made it worse. My second update is that I have dipped my toe back into the dating pool and it has been successful. I think I might actually have an eHarmony success story on my hands. Last night was the best first date I have had since I started dating again post-divorce. I would have to say it was even better than when I first met J. We talked for 6 hours, closing down one restuarant before moving to the bar next door. Even at that point neither one of us were ready to go home except it was 12:30 and I had to get some sleep before work today. We chatted off and on throughout the day today and we have another date scheduled for tomorrow night. I am very giddy, like a 13 year old girl with her first crush. I hope this goes well and I will definitely keep you guys posted on how this progresses.


Jessica said…
How sweet...keep us posted.
CraftyHope said…
Oh yay!! I can't wait to hear what comes next.

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