
Well, I will admit that I have been putting off writing anything because I keep hoping that things will change and I will have good news to report. However, that has not been the case. It has been a week since the last time I saw eHarmony guy and a week since he has called me. We have chatted online a couple of times this week with him initiating the conversation but that has been it with no mention of seeing each other again. I am so confused. I don't know if I am getting the big blow off or if he is just taking his time right now. We started off pretty hot and heavy the first week we were dating but things have definitely tapered off since then. I know he had to deal with his ex last week and that is enough to put anyone in a mood for a while but how long? I really like this guy and I don't want to do anything mess up our chances so I am taking the advice of all of my friends and letting him come to me. It's been hard to not initiate contact as that is my typical modus operandi. But I don't want to push and risk pushing him further away. The last phone conversation we had was me asking him what has going on with us. His response was that he enjoyed hanging out with me and had no desire to date anyone else. But that he was new at this whole dating again thing so for me just to relax and have fun. I am not sure what to make of that since we haven't hung out since that conversation. So now I am trying to sit back and relax and make myself available without being too available and see what happens. This is so incredibly hard for me as my inner dialogue is going nuts speculating what is going on. I will keep you posted and hopefully I will have good news to report soon.


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