Things That I Love

I was listening to my favorite radio show this morning and some of the members of the show were giving lists of things they love. Since I haven't had much to blog about recently (yes, I know I owe an update on the new man.), I figured this would be a good way for me to get in the mood again. So here it goes...just a few things Julie loves (in no particular order)!

1. Maverick - He may be bad at times but he sure does love me.
2. Pedicures - Nothing is better than the foot massage associated with a good pedicure
3. Massages - I would take a good rub down any day.
4. Japenese Lasagna from Tomo Sushi - This is by far my favorite. Think I might have to get some tonight since Happy Hour is next door.
5. Chicken Minis from Chick Fil A - It is so good that I don't live in my apartment anymore since I would stop at least once a week on my way to work.
6. Breakfast Tacos from Rudy's BBQ - Yet another place I used to stop on my way to work.
7. Good Wine - I am still improving my palette so I love opportunities to try new wines.
8. Lysol Wipes - They make cleaning so much easier.
9. Woolite Plus Oxygen Pet Stain & Odor Remover - The best stuff ever if you have a pet in the house.
10. iPod/iPhone - I love having all my favorite tunes at my fingertips and my iPhone keeps my life in check.
11. Alabama Football - I know you guys were all wondering how long it was going to take me to get this on the list.
12. Christmas - There is just something about the atmosphere in the air that time of year.
13. Chapstick 100% Naturals Lip Butter - The best lip balm ever.
14. Aveda Hand Relief Lotion - Smells good and is creamy enough without being greasy.
15. Foosackly's Chicken Fingers, Fries & Ranch Dressing - One of the many places in Mobile that I miss terribly living in Austin.
16. Sephora and Ulta - I love makeup so any place that combines 100s of brands in one location makes me happy.
17. Ikea - Love this store and I now live 10 minutes from it. So bad!

I know there is more so I am sure I will have to update this list. But that is what I can think of right now. Stay tuned!


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