
So I have been trying to figure where this month disappeared to. I know I have been busy and I remember Christmas happening about a week ago but seriously...2009 in less than 48 hours?!? Life has basically been non-stop for me since Thanksgiving. Stephanie and I hit the ground running at the beginning of the month wrapping up the decorations and plans for the office Holiday Party. I am happy to say that the event was a huge success but it took the better part of the two weeks leading up to the event for us to make it perfect. We did take a break on Pearl Harbor Day to attend the Christmas Market in Fredericksburg only to be surprised by the festivites of the Pearl Harbor Rememberance being held at the National Museum of the Pacific War. The air show from the Commenrative Air Force was amazing. I wish Daddy had been there to identify all the planes for me. The Holiday Party was the next weekend which only left me with a few days to prepare for Mom's arrival prior to the cross country drive to Mobile for Christmas. Once Mom was in town we attended Ballet Austin's The Nutcracker. I still say their's is one of the best I have ever seen. Christmas in Mobile reminded me why I can't spend more than about 3 days in Mobile at a time. I love my family but I really enjoy having my own space and my own life in Austin where I don't have to answer to anyone. It was great to be home but I was anxious to return to my home most of the time I was in Alabama. I will say this...I am much more aware of the redneck population in my hometown now. Don't get me wrong, Texas has it's fair share of rednecks, but Austin itself is much more urban. I was shocked because there are either more now that I don't live there or I just didn't notice them before. Upon returning to Austin, I was greeted by the fact that the water line to my house had busted. Fortunately it was outside so I didn't have any damage to my house but it was a pain to deal with right off the bat. Returning to work this week after a relaxing week off has been difficult. I am skipping out early this evening to see the Rockettes Christmas show. Oh...if only I was 5'7"! I am already working on my 2008 wrap up blog so that will be posted tomorrow. Until then...


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