O Christmas Tree

I love Christmas! It is my favorite time of the year. There is just something in the air that makes Christmas wonderful to me. I love the lights and the music and the traditions. I don't know why I love it so much because I am exhausted with all the activities this time of year but I do. That being said, I haven't put up a Christmas tree in 4 years since I moved from Alabama to Texas. The first year Shawn was deployed and I was going home so I didn't see the point. The next year Shawn didn't want to fool with it. The next year I had just moved to my apartment in Austin and there was literally no room for a tree. Last year I just didn't get around to it. So this year I thought I would have some fun with Kiddo and the Sheriff and put up my tree. I didn't realize what a trying experience that was going to be. I thought I had thoroughly cleaned the ornament boxes of all the "married" Christmas items. I was wrong. First thing out of the box was an ornament Mom had purchased for me when we saw the Radio City Rockettes last year. After showing the ornament to the boys, I attempted to put it back in its package only to flip it over onto the tile floor and shatter the snow globe top. There was glass everywhere and that just set the tone for the evening. Then I kept finding ornaments from my married days, ones purchased on our honeymoon or sent to me from various Iraqi War tours. Things I did not want to find. We managed to get the tree up and about 15 ornaments on the tree and that was as far as we got. Since then, I haven't had the energy or desire to finish the tree. Baby steps I guess. Next year will be different.


CraftyHope said…
Stay positive! At least you got a tree up.
I haven't put one up in 3-4 years. And, I don't really have any excuses other than just running out of time. This year's been a bit tougher than the rest.
Props to you for getting one up. It's an accomplishment!!

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