
As part of my quest to blog more, I decide that this year I would attempt to take part in NaBloPoMo next month.  I am getting a bit of a jump start on the month by trying to get into the habit of posting more frequently.  In order to do that, I have decided to start using topic prompts as a way to kick start my thoughts when I don't have anything better to write about.  I am not crazy about this idea because I prefer just to write about what is going on in my life but I figure this will be a good way for my readers to learn a little bit more about me.  So here it goes:

What's one thing you can't start your day without?

If you had asked me this question two weeks ago, I probably wouldn't have been able to answer you.  But now, I know the answer without having to think twice about it.  COFFEE!!!  More specifically Gloria Jean's Butter Toffee for Kuerig coffee.  Now that I am commuting 30+ miles to work one way, I am having to wake up earlier and leave my house earlier than I have had to in 10 years.  Because of that, I now walk out the door with a cup of coffee in my hand.  I never understood those who require that first cup o' Joe in order to function in the morning until now.  I am really more of a tea drinker than a coffee drinker but I have found that tea just doesn't do it for me when I need the jolt in the morning to get going.  And thank heavens for my Kuerig!  Since the Sheriff works nights, making a pot of coffee never works for us.  Either he is leaving for work and I am going to bed or I am leaving for work and he is going to bed.  The only time we both drink coffee is Sunday mornings since we both need it to stay awake for church.  This way we both get the cup of coffee we want in the flavor we want without having to waste a partial pot.  It just makes life so much easier!  


CraftyHope said…
Couple things. . .
1. I can't wait to read more as you write for a whole month. I've considered NamBloPoMo before myself, but weekends and days when I have the girls are TOO HARD.
2. Where are you getting the writing prompts? Those sound like a good idea!
3. Hmmm, your coffee maker sounds interesting. Hoe long does it take to make a cup? We're in the market for a new coffee maker ourselves. (ours just doesn't make ENOUGH for both of us some days! ;) )
Wishing you luck on this adventure in blogging!!
Julie said…
1. Yes, the weekends are going to be hard. That is where I am hoping the prompts will coming in. Plus, I can blog once Chris leaves for work.
2. I got the prompts from the NaBloPoMo website. I made a list of the ones I liked and will add to it as they do. They post a new one almost daily.
3. The Kuerig is awesome! It only takes about a minute to make a cup. We got ours at the "as is" section at Bed, Bath & Beyond for 50% because someone had returned for being "too noisy" which it isn't. Then with their 20% off coupon I got an amazing deal on it.
CraftyHope said…
Sorry to post again, but I HAD to respond.
Thanks for telling me about the prompts. Those definitely look like it would be easier to come up with topics if stuck. Definitely something for me to consider.
Secondly, you got a great deal on that coffee-maker. Pat and I just looked at the link you sent me and there's NO WAY we'll be getting a $240 coffee maker. Ouch!
The Keurig sounds great! I can't function in the morning without my coffee either. Typically, I set up the coffeepot for the following morning every evening while cooking dinner. It makes life easy when all you have to do is walk into the kitchen in the morning in your sleep induced stupor and hit the "ON" button. However, as we are all aware, life has a way of sending us curves every now and then. Unfortunately, this morning, I made coffee for the countertop!! The brewing cup popped loose from above the coffee pot and there was HOT coffee and grinds everywhere!! It may be time for a new coffeemaker BUT such a hard decision to make when you see the choices available... *sigh*

I, too, am looking forward to reading more about you (and whatever ideas the blog prompts put into your head). Since I had to open my own "blog" to comment on yours, I guess I'll be writing more about what's happening in my world too! Any advice?
Julie said…
@Hope - There are smaller versions of the Kuerig that are cheaper. If you really want one, check out the as is area at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I have managed to purchase 2 there now (I had a mini before we got the larger one).

@Candy - My suggestion for you is to write what you know. Write what you are passionate about. I started this blog as a way for family and friends back home to know what was going on with me in Texas and it has kind of taken off from there.

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