One Year

** I intended to write this post yesterday but ended up not having time to sit down in front of the computer and bang it out.  So instead, it is a day late but heartfelt just the same.**

One year ago today, I met you at a cafe near my house for a quick dinner before home team.  We had been chatting daily for nearly two weeks and it was time to decide where we wanted to go from here.  I was pretty sure of what was going to happen next but continued to be coy until you expressed your feelings.  There was no surprise, no pretense.  Just I like you and want to get to know you better.  And with that, we were together, practically inseparable from that point forward.  Somehow, even at that point we knew this was one that would last.  That it wasn't temporary.

We are by no means perfect but we are perfect for each other.  We got frustrated and annoyed and fight but we work it out.  Even in the moments that I don't like you very much, you are still the most important to me.  You let me be goofy when I need to be but you also know how to comfort me in those moments when I am lost in my thoughts.  My life has drastically changed in the last year and it is all because you are now a part of it.  I am so glad I went back to Great Hills and I am so glad I said yes.

To my sheriff:  I love you! Thank you for loving me.


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