
It is that time of year where I start to panic about Christmas gifts for my family.  I know most people don't worry about Christmas until Black Friday or later but I am not one of those people.  I am way too much of a planner to wait that long to shop.  I have been known in the past to start shopping for Christmas as early as July.  That has not been the case this year.  I do, however, have a plan of attack for the majority of my family.  My oldest brother and his wife are always a little difficult but I am sure I will figure them out.  The sheriff's family is different story.  I have no idea where to begin with them.  Plus I am shopping for the Kiddo this year.  That is fun and stressful all within itself.  I want to make sure he has a nice Christmas but I don't want to go overboard at the same time.  He does have 3 sets of grandparents and his mom to buy gifts for him on top of what we are getting.

Christmas is going to be very different for me this year.  This is the first year I will be at my own house on Christmas morning celebrating with my own family instead of sitting in the living room at Mom and Dad's.  I missed Christmas one year when I was married to the ex and he insisted we spend the holiday with his family.  We did head home the day after Christmas to celebrate with my crew but it still made me sad not to be home on Christmas morning.  My parents decided long before I was born that we would be in our own house on Christmas morning rather than somewhere else.  When my brother had kids, he decided to follow the same pattern.  I have always known that it would do the same thing when I had my own family.  That doesn't mean it isn't going to be tough on me.  I am sure it will be fun playing Santa for Kiddo but I know I am going to miss being home.


Anonymous said…
The holidays, definitely the sucky part of marriage. Sometimes, I think it would be easier if couples just celebrated separately with their own families!

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