Day 15

Yay!!!  I am officially half way through NaBloPoMo.  I now understand why other blog writers find this so hard.  The truth is my life is actually pretty boring and there isn't always something to share.  I have found it hard to be creative on a daily basis.  I have also found it hard to remember to blog every day and to set aside time for it.  I have decided that I would do well to use the voice recorder on my phone to record my thoughts though.  I have come up with several great topic ideas and  written almost complete blog posts in my head during my morning drive to work.  It is the only time of the day that I truly have to myself.  So that is really when I can get lost in my own thoughts and really examine what I feel about a particular subject.  I am just glad that I have gotten this far into the month without skipping a day.  I just hope I can keep it up.  I know next week will be rough with Thanksgiving and all the preparations that are going to go into that.  But I am sure I will be able to find some time once the Sheriff leaves for work and Kiddo is off to dream land.  Let's just hope I am not so exhausted that I forget!


Anonymous said…
Maybe you can talk about your job in future posts?
CraftyHope said…
I totally recommend using a voice recorder for blog posts. I've used mine several times to quickly get out the thoughts in my head to review later. And yes, it's also usually while driving across the bay!

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