
I know by the way I woke up this morning that is would be a rough day.  Apparently I was sleeping hard this morning when my alarm went off.  I guess I was thinking it was still the weekend because I sat up and yelled, "Oh crap!  It's Monday."  Don't know how I didn't wake the Sheriff up.  Needless to say, I didn't want to get out of bed.  But I got a move on and headed to work like normal.  Thanks to the short week, work was just as busy as I expected.  Fortunately, the Sheriff was off today so he was able to start some of the preparations for the big day on Thursday.  Most of the cleaning and laundry have been done.  Tomorrow we will be hitting the store to get the last minute stuff we need for the meal.  I am hoping to avoid the crowds that I am sure will be at the store on Wednesday.  Besides, I have to pick up the turkey from Popeye's Wednesday.  I just hope the plan I have mapped out in my head works.  We will be working on a tight schedule especially since the Sheriff has to work Thanksgiving.  But I am sure it will all be fine.


CraftyHope said…
Popeye's makes turkey?? I did not know that.
Julie said…
Cajun Fried Turkeys. Might just be in Texas but they are great!

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