Things I Am Grateful For

With Thanksgiving only a week away, I had the thought that I should talk about some things in my life that I am grateful for.  Of course I have a wonderful family, a good job, and great friends and those are all things I am grateful for.  But I was thinking along a different line this morning.  I was laying in bed shivering a little bit thanks to the cold ( snap that has hit Central Texas and the fact that I forgot to turn the heater on before I went to bed.  I always sleep with the ceiling fan on because I need air circulating so I don't get stopped up.  Well, the fan was making me cold but I didn't want to get out of bed until I warmed up a bit.  That is where my handy dandy ceiling fan remote makes my life better.  I am extremely grateful to whomever thought up the brilliant idea of a remote controlled ceiling fan.  That is one of the greatest inventions ever.  The other thing I realized I was grateful for was the snooze button.  I am so not a morning person so I will take every extra second of sleep I can get.  I hope to add a few more things I am grateful for between now and the end of the month.  So be on the look out and feel free to share things you are grateful for.


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