
Good news! I am feeling better today.  Not 100% but at least functioning which is a vast improvement over yesterday.  The day was pretty busy.  This morning I spent a couple of hours shopping for the Children's Christmas party at my office.  Then I still had some work stuff to take care of.  I was able to scoot out a little early so I could hit the grocery store before it got too bad.  HEB was smart though offering free wine samples while you were shopping.  Nice way to relax the shoppers, HEB Plus!  We also had to pick up the turkey and a few other things for tomorrow.  The morning is going to be crazy busy but I will still tune into the Macy's Parade.  After all, Christmas can't start until Santa appears at the end of the parade.


Anonymous said…
I wish our grocery stores gave wine samples. Awesome! Ole H.E. Butts is fantastic.

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