The Week to Come

I feel like I am running out of things to say.  I know this week has probably been pretty lacking in the blog department and for that I am sorry.  I am not making any promises about the upcoming week.  For a short work week, it is going to be crazy busy.  We are coming up on month end so there is a lot to be done to prepare for that.  Also, I have Thanksgiving and all the preparation that will go into that as well.  I am sure I will be wiped out by the time Friday rolls around.  You can forget about me hitting the stores at 4 AM on Black Friday.  There is nothing I want bad enough to be out that time of the morning trying to score a deal.  (Plus, the Sheriff will be working so I have to stay home with Kiddo.)  I will consider some of the online deals that I am sure will be offered.  Those are much more my speed.  I also won't let anything pull me away from the big game that will be happening Friday afternoon.  It is no secret that I will be propped up in my chair Friday afternoon at 1:30 glued to the Iron Bowl.  Here's hoping Alabama can pull off a big win.  Auburn has had a good season and I would love to see us spoil that.  (Yes, I know that is mean but that's what rivalries are for!)  Given that I am only 9 days away from the end of this little experiment, I fully intend to post every day this week with an update of the Thanksgiving preparations as well as thoughts on the Iron Bowl.  Oh how I wish I was home right now!  Plus it makes me really sad that my parents are spending Thanksgiving alone this year since my dad can't get off to make the trip to Texas.  Fortunately we will be making the trip to Alabama in a couple of weeks for an early family Christmas.


Anonymous said…
I feel bad about your parents. Unsolicited thoughts- I hope you aren't getting short-changed on the holidays. Sounds like, if you are doing an "early" Christmas, that you are not spending either Thanksgiving, OR Christmas proper (day of) with your folks, which especially wouldn't be fair if his family lives in the area, considering that YOURS don't. Your folks should at LEAST get one holiday "day of". Your dad not being able to get off work should sway Thanksgiving your way, not that it is a war or anything, but come on. I'm sure kiddo complicates things, but you don't know how many more thanksgivings your parents have. I know many would disagree, but I know many folks who occassionally spent Thanksgiving apart. Just thoughts.

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