Spreading the News

I realize I have been negligent in posting recently.  The truth is I have just been too busy and too tired to find the extra time to bang out a post or two.  At least now I know the reason for the too tired portion.  That's right, I am pregnant.  I have known for a month now and I have been planning on posting the story of the night I found out.  But for now, I wanted to share the good news and explain my absence.  Now that Christmas is over and most of the running around has ended, I should have more free time to keep everyone updated on my fun little world.


CraftyHope said…
Said it before, I'll say it again - CONGRATS!!! I'm so excited for you (and Chris) Hopefully I'll get to meet him in a few months ;)
Krista White said…
Congratulations, Julie! I'm so excited for you and Chris. You're going to love being a Mom, and you'll be a great one. I can't wait to hear more about your pregnancy!

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