What's in a Name?

After I posted the news that it's a boy, I realized I failed to mention that we had decided on a name.  Several people have asked so I thought I would share a little bit of the background on how we decided to name our son.  Chris and I struggled with names before we knew what the baby was.  We would toss at ideas that would get knocked down until we finally settled on one girl's name.  We went into the ultrasound still thinking the baby was a girl which worked out fine since we only had a girl's name picked out.  I think I was in denial that it could possibly be a boy.  After the ultrasound revealed our boy, Chris and I went to Chick Fil A for breakfast where the realization set in that our baby didn't have a name.  So it was time to start the discussion over and see if we could come up with a boy's name we both liked.

Using family names is sort of a tradition in my family.  My brothers and I all have family names.  My niece and nephew have family names.  Even Chris and Kiddo share the same middle name that has been passed down to the first born son in his family.  I had decided that our girl's name would use my middle name to follow that tradition. It was important to me that the baby's name have some sort of meaning to us and not just be a random name we picked out of a baby book.  After all, naming a kid is a big deal.  They are stuck with it for the rest of their lives.

So there we sat in Chick Fil A and I hesitantly threw out a name that I had considered for years to be the perfect name for my son.  The problem was the name had become extremely popular in the last couple of years to the extent that two of my friends had named their sons the same thing in the last year.  But it was MY name and I had said since college I wanted to use it.  The combination of first and middle name I offered paid tribute to both sides of the family so I had a feeling it would be perfect.  Chris tossed the name around a bit before finally declaring he liked it.

And thus, Jackson Christopher came to be.  So there you have it.  In a booth in Chick Fil A, my baby was named.  Hope the little one likes it because he is stuck with it.


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