Stuff I have made from Pinterest

Thanks to Jackson waking up early this morning, I actually have a little time to blog.  (He's currently rolling around on the floor...yes, he's rolling!)  So I decided to post a couple of the dishes I have found on Pinterest recently.  (If you are not on Pinterest yet, get thee to Pinterest!)  I have a ton of recipes pinned (and lots of other things as well) but I have only made 4 so far.  Two we loved and two we were meh about so here are the two we loved:

Crockpot Potato Soup
Y'all, I loved this so much the first time that I have already made it a second time.  When I was sick two weeks ago, this is what I wanted.  The soup is quite tasty but not too heavy.  It is also a great base to be played with.  Add cheese, bacon bit, sour cream, whatever you want!  Chris and I have already discussed ways we can expand this soup to make it more interesting.  Plus, it's easy!  Dump everything in your slow cooker for 6 hours.  Add in the cream cheese for the last hour and you are done.  After all, that's the point of the slow cooker, right?!?

Pizza Casserole
I have two boys in my house that love pizza so trying this casserole was a no brainer for us.  It makes a lot.  We ate off of it for 2 days and still had leftovers.  I was fighting a nasty stomach bug when Chris fixed this so I only tried a little bit but what I ate was fantastic.  Sean especially loved it since I think he would eat pizza everyday if we let him.  We will definitely make this again.  Since it fills up a 9x13 pan, I would recommend this if you are cooking for a crowd to.  I think you could easily feed 8 off of this especially if you add a salad or something else green to go along side this dish.

I don't even have the links to the other two recipes we tried because I was so disappointed I knew I wouldn't try them again.  One was a slow cooker pull pork recipe.  I thought BBQ sauce and a can of soda (Dr. Pepper of course) and you couldn't possibly go wrong.  Well, it did.  The pork wasn't tender and it didn't absorb the sauce at all which left the meat just tasting weird.  I don't know if I purchased the wrong cut of meat or didn't let it cook long enough but it just didn't turn out at all like I expected.  The second was called chicken alfredo bubble up (or something like that).  It called for jarred alfredo sauce, chicken, and can biscuits...all things we had on hand at the time I found the recipe.  And it was just bland.  Too much biscuit, not enough chicken and alfredo.  We ate it but didn't save the leftovers.  Not really bad but not really our cup of tea either.

I have many more that I plan on trying in the near future.  I just have to add them to my menu plan.  So, what about you?  What have you tried?  What have you liked? Not liked?  Interested readers (OK, me) want to know!


Elsha said…
Crock pot potato soup is the best! I haven't made that particular recipe, but I've used a similar one and it's yummy.
Shannon said…
I will have to try them! I love potato soup! I tried to click on the link for the pizza casserole but i think the page had moved or something...
Julie said…
Shannon, I updated the link and double checked it. Should work now.
CraftyHope said…
I've made the potato soup also. However, Pat wasn't too keen on it. I have another potato soup that I make that he referenced that he likes better. So. . .no crockpot soup for us.

I KINDA made the bubble up too. Except, I decided that I didn't want the biscuits in it since I don't like the texture of wet bread. So, I just substituted some penne. It was okay. I'm no fan of jarred alfredo sauce (maybe I just haven't found a jarred one I like) anyway. I make some kick butt homemade alfredo and have become partial to it.

I'm going to have to try the pizza casserole. That does sound yummy and probably fairly easy.
Pintrest has become my main source of recipes too, but I do find myself using A LOT of recipes from the Pioneer Woman also. Ah well, keep on sharing your finds I love knowing what others are cooking up in their kitchens! :)
aubieangel said…
I've been trying lots of healthified recipes from a friend's website. All the one's I've tried so far are listed here: Her recipe site is huge and full of delicious ideas!

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