Happy New Year 2012

2011 is officially over.  I won't say it was a terrible year.  We had some rough patches but we got sweet Baby Jackson out of the year.  So for that and that alone, I can't complain.  Every time I see that little boy smile, I realize it was all worth it.  All the pain, the stress, the money worries, the lack of sleep.  All worth having Jackson in my life.

I have pictures from Christmas and I fully intend to post about it.  However, this last week has been awful.  Starting with a 101 fever on Christmas eve and culminating in a pneumonia/hospital scare on Thursday, Jackson has been sick all week so our Christmas didn't turn out at all like planned.  Even the visit from my family didn't pan out like I had hoped because of doctors visits, a sick baby who needed to stay home, and a pregnant sister-in-law who didn't need to be around the sick baby.

So right now I am just ready to pretend that Christmas didn't happen.  I want the tree down and the decorations packed up and for life to return to normal.  I used to love the holidays but now it just brings so much stress and busyness that I am just happy when they are over.  So here's to a great 2012.  May it be the fresh start everyone is hoping for.


HereWeGoAJen said…
Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is great.
CraftyHope said…
Here's hoping it brings you some much needed relief and loads and LOAD of joy!! Hugs to you and that baby!!
Anonymous said…
I hope 2012 is all that you want it to be and much more!

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