The Latest from Me

So I thought I could make this a combination post with my photo-a-day pictures and a couple of other updates.  I'll start with the pictures.

Day 15: Happiness
I couldn't think of a better picture to take for happiness than one of Jackson laughing.  Chris often says that there is nothing in the world that will bring a smile to your face more than a baby's laughter and he is right.  No matter how crappy my day has been, hearing J laugh always makes me smile.  I had a hard time getting a good picture because he wiggles around so much when he is giggling.

Day 16: Morning
It was pretty dreary on the way to work this morning.  It was drizzling and it is supposed to be unseasonably warm today.  The morning already started out about 10 degrees warmer than when we went to bed last night.  I snapped this picture at the stop light outside of my neighborhood on the way to work and it turned out pretty cool.  I didn't realize I was getting such a neat shot until I looked at it on my phone at work.

In Other News
We bought a new car this weekend. The clutch in Chris's car went out earlier in the week and, upon further inspection, it was determined that the car wasn't going to last us much longer.  So despite wanting to wait until the car was paid off next year, we had to bite the bullet and take the plunge on something new (to us).  We opted for a 2011 Camry with low mileage and we are pretty excited about it although I wanted to rip the people at USAA a new one when they started giving us problems with our loan.

I've I mentioned my love for Pinterest recently?  If not, then I really should.  I have found so many wonderful recipes and ideas on that site.  I am just trying to figure out how to use all of them.  I did make a new recipe from there last night: Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti.  This is definitely one we will make again.  It was very easy with the hardest part being boiling the noodles first and made a ton of leftovers.  I made a couple of modifications to the recipe and will probably do a few things different next time.  For starters, I used full fat everything just because we don't like the way low fat/fat free tastes.  Second, I left out the onions and green pepper because those are things we don't eat.  I also used the mild Rotel to save on the spice for Sean's sake and I didn't think the dish was spicy at all.  Next time I will use my oval crockpot instead of the round since this makes so much.  It was hard to stir in the round but will work if that's all you have.  I am also considering adding another can of chicken and cutting back the Velveeta a little.  All in all, it was good and filling so I am going to play with it a bit to get it perfected to our liking.

Lastly, I have to leave you with another sweet picture of Jackson hanging out on my bed this morning while I got ready for work.


CraftyHope said…
Cute pics of J as usual!!
Love the "new" car!!

I'll definitely be looking up that recipe. Sounds yummy! Thanks for the recommendation!!
Anonymous said…
He's right, baby laughter is the best! :)
Elsha said…
There is nothing like a baby's laugh, is there?

Have fun with the new car!

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