Stuff I Have Tried Recently

I have been intending to write this post for several weeks because I have several new (to me) products I have tried recently and I wanted to share them with my lovely readers.  I also want to hear about any new stuff you have tried recently that you have loved or hated.
erase paste
First up is Erase Paste from Benefit Cosmetics.  I needed a new concealer once I found out Prescriptives had closed up shop and I had tossed my last tube of concealer. On a trip to Ulta, I saw this advertised as one of Allure Magazine's top picks so I figured I would try it and I am glad I did. This stuff works.  I don't look like the over tired mom I really am.  My only complaint is that it is a little too creamy for my liking but I think I just need to blend it a little better.
lemon aid
Also from Benefit Cosmetics is Lemon Aid.  I have actually had this product for awhile but I forgot about it and just started using it again recently. I have really dark eye lids.  So dark that it changes the color of the eye shadow I wear.  Lemon Aid helps to offset this discoloration while acting as an eye shadow primer.  It's a win win in my book.
the POREfessional
Are we starting to sense a theme here? This product actually showed up in my December Birch Box.  I was pretty excited to try it but I wasn't overly impressed with it.  I can't say I hated it but I didn't love it.  Truth be told I couldn't tell a difference when I used it and felt like it was an unnecessary extra step in my makeup routine that I just don't have time for in the mornings.
Maybelline Great Lash LOL Mascara - Brownish Black.Opens in a new window
I was super excited when I saw this Maybelline Great Lash Lots of Lashes mascara. I have always like Great Lash and I love the plastic bristled wands that help to separate my naturally clumpy lashes.  So I just knew this was going to be my perfect mascara.  Alas, it was not so.  The head on the wand is too small and I felt like I had a hard time reaching all my lashes.  Also, the formula of this mascara seemed different and would make my eyes itch by the end of the day.


Shannon said…
Have you tried L'Oreal Voluminous mascara? It is my favorite! I've been using it since college and any time I try anything else, I always end up coming back to voluminous!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I really wanted to love that mascara too, but it was not meant to be. The brush is so tiny it was hard to apply. I really like the Great Lash BIG one though. I think it's kind of new.

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