Can We Talk About January?

It's February, finally! January was a terrible month in our household.  I should have known it was going to be bad when Jackson woke up with a 102 temperature on Christmas morning.  New Year's Eve was spent nursing him back from the respiratory infection he had had all week. So we started the year with a sick baby and the month of January just went downhill from there.

Less than two weeks later Chris and the boys were meeting Clay, Jenny, and me for dinner in South Austin after I got off work. Chris's car broke down on the way there and they barely made it to the restaurant.  Turns out the clutch went out and the the flywheel was cracked so the repairs were only a band aid and the car needed to be replaced.   That led to us spending the next Saturday at the car dealership working out a deal on a new car which required me to get rather huffy with the auto loan department at USAA for giving us conflicting information. We were able to work everything out but it was a long and frustrating day.

One week later we were lucky enough to welcome Baby Blake into the world.  That night Maverick and I were snuggled soundly in our bed while Chris was at work.  After sleeping for a couple of hours, I woke up to a smell, which with a dog sleeping next to you isn't unusual. I didn't expect what greeted me when I turned on the light though. Maverick had gotten sick all over the bed. It was bad...really bad.  So I was stripping the bed, cleaning the mattress, and bathing myself and the dog at 2 AM. Unfortunately the mattress didn't recover so well from the incident and we had to replace it last week.

Throw in medical issues for me stemming from my c-section and dental work and January was a total drain on our finances.  I am so glad that month is over and we can move on to a smoother month and hopefully year from here on out. In other news, Baby J turned six months old on the 20th. He can sit up for a few minutes on his own and he is trying to crawl.  We also started solids this month. Jackson has done surprisingly well with them.  You can't get the spoon in his mouth fast enough.  I think carrots are his favorite so far.  At least there are a couple of bright spots in an otherwise crappy month.


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