February Photos: The End

So I really did try to make it through the whole month taking pictures but then life got in the way and it just didn't happen.  Here are the last couple of pictures I took before I put the (cell phone) camera away for the month.  I decided not to participate in the March Photo A Day challenge since I just can't wrap my brain around it right now.

Day 20: Handwriting
I am not a fan of my own handwriting.  I don't know why but I never have been.  I think it's because my mom and my brothers have nice handwriting and I think mine sucks in comparison. 

Day 21: A Fave Photo of You
I have always loved this picture.  It was taken the first year I danced can can at Wild West Night for the Officers' Wives Club at Fort Hood.  


Jessica said…
You look gorgeous!!
CraftyHope said…
Your handwriting is worse than your brothers'? I don't know if I can believe that. You've always had pretty handwriting to me.

Yes, that picture of you is stunning. I just wish you were smiling in it.
Julie said…
That was a picture I didn't even know was being taken of me. I was watching what was going on at the event and one of the girls snapped it. I didn't even see it until months later when she gave me a DVD of the performance with the picture on the cover.

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