What I am Thankful for

For the last couple of years, there has been a trend on Facebook to post 30 days of thankfulness. I am not one to jump on bandwagons so I normally don't get into this trend.  However, it does make you stop an think a bit about what you would be thankful for if you were to list it out.  So here is my attempt at giving thanks on this Thanksgiving.

  1. Modern Medicine: This was a rough year for my family watching my Mom go through her bout of lymphoma.  Fortunately, we received the news in mid-August that the chemo had worked and Mom's PET scan was clear.  She still isn't up to her fighting weight so to speak but she is recovering and for that I am very thankful.
  2. Modern Technology: I hate living so far away from my family but technology helps cut that distance down.  Facetime allows me to call  my folks so they can watch Jackson grow and YouTube allows me to post videos so they can see all the fun things he does.
  3. My Job: Work often frustrates me and aggreviates me but I really do like the people I work with and believe in what my company does.  I also love that I have earned the respect of my peers and they trust that I am knowledge doing my job.
  4. My Family: My parents have always been there for us whenever we needed anything.  My brothers have always looked out for me.  I miss them all tremendously.
  5. My Boys:  I love my crazy little family of 5 (yes, Maverick is part of the family.)  We aren't perfect.  Things aren't always easy or good or happy but overall, they are what gets me through each day. And I frequently stop and think, "Man, I really do enjoy this life."


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