Moving on Up

Last week was a crazy week for us.  Chris had signed up for a training course out of town so I spent the week alone with the boys shuttling everyone back and forth and trying to keep my sanity while maintaining the house and getting everyone fed.  It was a long week and I was happy when Friday evening rolled around and Chris arrived home.  I really don't think I could handle a husband who travels all the time for work.  One week was enough for me so I don't envy those who frequently have to deal with the absence of a second set of hands at home.  I told Chris when he got home that he had missed a lot during the week because Little Man was suddenly talking more and more of a daredevil than before he left.  Also, we had another big change happen last week.

Wednesday morning I walked into daycare and Jackson's teacher told me the director was wanting to meet with about moving Jackson up.  I was a little surprised by this because I had already received a note home that they were creating a 1 year old class and moving all the "older babies" out of the infant room into a new class since they had so many infants now and the older kids in the room really needed more activity time.  I was ready for this move and I welcomed it because I agreed that Jackson was ready for more than what the infant room was offering him.  We loved his teachers though and we were going to be sad to move up from the infant class.

It turns out the director had decided to group the children based on their school year.  Rather than moving Jackson to the 1 year old room, she wanted to move him to the 2 year old room with his former classmates from the infant room.  The idea behind this was that all the kids would move up through the daycare together and start school at the same time.  I guess it is a good idea in theory but this mama is not ready for her baby to grow up.  I know I can't stop it but that doesn't mean I have to help it along.  So Friday morning was his first day in the 2 year old class (they didn't give me much time to prepare for it).  We shall see how this goes. Hopefully he will adjust well.


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