So Here We Are

Editor's Note: So I am not doing so well with the goal of writing once a week this year.  Sorry!  I'm afraid life is just getting in the way too much right now which is frustrating since I have plenty to say just no time to say it.  Busy doesn't even describe what we have been recently but more on that to come.

We decided about 2 months ago to put our house on the market and see if we had any luck selling it so we could upgrade to a larger house.  We debated trying to sell when I found out I was pregnant but held off because the market wasn't very good at the time.  Two years later, the market is much better and we were very pleased with what we heard from our realtor.  After a month of working to get the house ready to list, we finally got it listed on the 3rd.  We have had nearly 20 showings (including 3 since our offer went through) on our house in 2 weeks with the first one coming mere hours after the house went on the market.  I'd say there is a little bit of interest.

We do have an offer on our house.  Pending the results of the inspection that happened yesterday and the buyers closing on their current home, we will close on the 10th.  So we have about 3 weeks to find a place to live and move.  This means we are putting off trying to buy another house for now and decided to rent until we can decide if we are going to buy an existing house or build a new house.  The house sold a lot faster than I expected and I am worried about making a rash decision on a house only to decide we don't like after we move in.  Building wasn't even an option a couple of weeks ago until we found a neighborhood and floor plan we really like which totally changed the path we were heading down.  Instead we have looked at about 15 rental properties this past week.  Almost as soon as we find one we like, it gets snatched up before we can put in an application.  We finally found one we like near where we currently live and in the price range we really wanted to pay so we  have an application on it which will hopefully go through next week and we will know where we are going to land in 3 weeks.

We also spent most of last week in Alabama visiting my parents and attending J-Day at Judson. It was a fun but busy weekend.  Chris finally got to see Judson and now understands me a little better because of it.  I also got to spend some time with some of my friends from my college days.  It felt like we were back in the dorm again staying up half the night talking about boys and life.  I wish I could do that more often because you really do need those times to reconnect and here from others in situations similar to your own.  It was while we were at Judson that the offer came in our house.  I was pretty excited because I had to told Chris that was what I wanted to happen so we wouldn't have to deal with keeping the house show ready for long.  We have been much more lax with picking up after ourselves this week which has been nice.  I will admit I am excited to see where we will end up next but I am sad to sell my little house.  More on that later.


Anonymous said…
OMG that's great that you got an offer so quick. It will suck to move temporarily, but in the end it will be totally worth it! Good luck on the house hunt.

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