To the New Owners of My Home

Dear Future Residents of Elder Way,

     Welcome to my little cottage on Elder Way.  I hope you fell in love with this place much like I did five years ago when I first stepped foot in it.  I can remember the first time I walked into this house and how I was captured by the openness of the living area and the space in the kitchen.  I remember how I planned for the furniture and decor I was going to place throughout the house during the time I was waiting for my closing date.  I was so excited to call this little slice of earth my own.
     You see this house was not just a house to me.  It represented so much more than just a place to live.  It was a place to start over.  Five years ago, I was newly divorced and trying to navigate the world truly on my own for the first time in my life of 30 years.  This house was my fresh start.  It was all mine.  I had done it on my own and that was huge for me.  I was doing everything that no one, especially my ex-husband, expected me to be able to do.  I was living away from home, away from Alabama.  I had a successful career and I was making a place for myself in this world without the support everyone believed I needed.  Buying the house was a way to say I had made it.
     Since that time, this house has seen a lot of laughter and some tears.  This house has seen the first kiss of newlyweds returning home from their honeymoon.  It has heard the cries of a newborn fresh from the hospital.  It was here that Chris proposed, that I found out I was pregnant, and that Jackson took his first steps.  This house is full of memories for me and for my family.  While I always knew this wouldn't be our forever home, I knew this place would be special to me for many reasons.
     So I just ask that you take care of my little cottage on Elder Way the same way it took care of me for the last five years.  Make it more than just a place to live.  Make it your home and love it the way I did.  I know I won't be back here but I will be near by and maybe our paths will cross again one day.



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