2013 Goals Mid-Year Review

Now that we are half way through 2013, I thought it would be a good time to review the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.  Things have changed a lot around here since I set these goal in January so a lot of them don't apply anymore.

  1. Actually attend The Blathering this year. I am sad to say that this isn't going to happen. When the attendance cap was reduced, we had just moved and we just didn't have the money for it at the time.  I am still chatting with my Blathering buddies on twitter so I am sure I will make it back one year.
  2. Take Jackson to his first football game. This has happened yet since football season hasn't started but I found out my hometown college will be playing here this fall so that might be a great game to take him to.
  3. Buy a new rug for the living room. Bought it. Loved it. It's in my garage right now because the new house has carpet and we don't need rugs like we did over the hardwood in the old house.
  4. Read The Great Gatsby before seeing the movie. I tried, I really did but I just couldn't get in to it.  I haven't seen the movie yet either so there is still time. If I can get the book from the library again, I might try again.
  5. Get another tattoo as a tribute to Jackson. Still haven't been able to come up with a design or location so this may not happen this year.
  6. Take a trip that doesn't include visiting my parents. I have come up with several ideas of places to go but moving really did a number on our funds.  I'd like to make it down to Sea World before the season ends but we will see. 
  7. Pay off another credit card. (Maybe even two!) This I did. Two cards even. Then we moved and we need stuff so the cards got used again but I am still working and making a dent in all of our cards.
  8. Go on at least 1 date a month with Chris. We were doing pretty good until May. We sort of had a date in May while Sean was at a Lock-In but we did have Jackson with us. No date in June, not even for our anniversary. Hoping to get in two this month: 1 for my birthday next week (hopefully Melting Pot to us our Groupon) and 1 while we are in Alabama.
  9. Spend more time outdoors with the boys. This is easier with the playground across the street from our house now. It is now the too hot to be outside for long time of the year but once fall hits I expect to spend more time at the park.
  10. Make more time for myself. I found an activity to be involved in that I am pretty excited about: Susan G. Komen Young Professionals for the Cure.  Great organization and it gives me something to look forward to.
  11. Replace the fence. This didn't happen before we moved since we could never find someone who would return our calls to do the work.  Now it doesn't matter.  The new owner can worry about that.
  12. Repair the driveway. Sort of the same as above except that we couldn't afford the $7k they wanted to charge us to make this happen so it didn't happen and now we don't live there anymore.
  13. Get the exterior of the house painted. We didn't even look into having this done. The main reason I wanted to do this was to cover the spot where the breaker box had been replaced. But that was in the back of the house and didn't matter when we sold the house.
  14. Increase our charitable giving. Still working on this.  We have a huge pile of stuff to donate since the move and we donated a lot before we listed the house.  That counts, right?
  15. Read 24 books. So I just checked my books to be read list and I realized I haven't read anything since November.  Can that be right? Probably.  I have started several books but haven't finished anything. Unless I kick it into gear in 2013 H2 (as we call it at work), this isn't going to happen.
  16. Blog at least once a week. Yeah, you already know I suck at this. So there's that.
  17. Spend an entire weekend kid free. Yep, this probably won't happen this year. 
  18. See Alabama play in Bryant-Denny Stadium. A girl can dream, right?
  19. Run a 5k. I am signed up for the Race for the Cure in November.  There is still time for me to get my butt in gear and prepare to run this.  It might happen.
  20. Visit Chris's Grandmother. Done!  We went to Wichita Falls last weekend and it was great.  I enjoyed meeting Chris's extended family and they all seemed to love Little Man.  We will definitely be going up there more.
  21. Visit my brother's family in Houston. Still trying to find a time to make this happen. I know we will be stopping in Houston on our way to Alabama in a couple of weeks but just to pick something up, not to visit.
  22. Setup Savings Accounts for the boys.  This I really need to get on.  We have their money in the safe right now and I will feel better once it is at the bank.
  23. Keep money in our savings account all year. So far, so good on this one.  The account got a little slim during the move but we have kept it going and it is back up to a happy level.  Plus we have a Holiday Savings this year to help with Christmas.
  24. Go to the gun range with Chris. You know, we haven't even talked about this.  Will have to try to make it happen this summer while I still have Fridays off.
  25. Clear out the excess stuff in our storage unit.  Well, we ended up adding more to storage when we staged the house. Now I am still waiting to get all of our stuff out that we want at the new house. Then we will get rid of stuff because I am not taking it with us when we move again. 
  26. Update mortgage, house, and bills to married name. Um, yeah...still need to make this happen.  I've been married 3 years now.
  27. Participate in NaBloPoMo. We will see how this goes come November.
  28. Complete the 52 Week Money Challenge. So far, so good.  We are 27 weeks in now and I have managed to make the deposits every week.  This is funding our Holiday Savings and I am loving this idea so much that I think I am going to do it every year from now on.


HereWeGoAJen said…
It sounds like you are doing good! I am not on my goals, as I have...forgotten what they were.

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