As Summer Ends

     Thanks to Ginger's Bring Back the Words linkups, I have been blogging a lot more recently. However, I haven't really talked much about what has been going on with us, just responding to her prompts.  As you all know, we sold our house and moved in May.  School ended and our summer began.  I'd like to say I'm one of those moms who plans all these fun activities for my family to do during the summer.  Truth is our schedule doesn't change much just because it is summer.  Sean went to camp at his school and Jackson attended the summer session at his daycare.  My office implemented summer hours which meant I worked 10 hour days 4 days a week with Fridays off (normally we do 4 9's and half day Fridays).  The only major change this year was having Sean here rather than heading to his mom's for the summer.  So I thought I'd do a quick recap of our summer now that it is coming to an end.


  • I spent a week in DC with my boss attending a conference and training on some of the software we use at work.  When we weren't in session, we were out seeing the sights of our nation's capitol. Lesson learned: always pack tennis shoes and comfy clothes even when you don't think you will need them.  I apparently need a mid-sized suitcase because I underpacked since I didn't want to take my large suitcase on the trip.
  • Sean took swim lessons so he could be free to swim in the pool at camp without floaties this year. Plus I felt better knowing he was able to handle himself in the water.
  • Chris and I celebrated 3 years of marriage by being in different states.  (I was in DC.)  My boss bought me wine and dessert to thank me for missing my anniversary.
  • We finally found a Bible Life class that we love at church.  Even though we miss as much as we attend, we are excited to hear the lessons each week again.
  • We visited Chris's grandmother and extended family in Wichita Falls for a long weekend at the end of the month.  It was high time Jackson and I met the rest of the family.
  • I spent the 4th of July trying to calm Maverick down while our neighbors immediately behind us shot off fireworks.
  • We celebrated Jackson's birthday at The Little Gym with his friends from daycare, church, and the gym and an Elmo theme.
  • We spent Jackson's actual birthday in Alabama with my family.  It was nice to have a week off work. We wrapped up the trip with a visit to my brother's family in Houston and the Houston Aquarium on the way back to Austin.  Jackson loved seeing all the fish.
  • We celebrated Sean's birthday at Bricks 4 Kidz with his school friends and an Angry Birds theme.  I will never again plan 2 birthday parties and a vacation in two weeks time.
  • I started Weight Watchers at work in an effort to lose the baby weight (OK...I just need to lose weight period.)
  • I met up with my sister-in-law and her family to shop till I dropped at the MamaCents consignment sale.  I bought a mesh rail for J's bed and we converted his crib to a toddler bed.  It has actually been a quite easy transition without a lot of fussing or issues.  J seems to love being able to climb in and out of the bed on his own.
  • Chris and I finally moved the excess furniture that we had stored when we staged the house out of storage into the new house.  We still don't have pictures on the walls or boxes cleaned out. Eventually we will be all moved in.
  • I went to the range with Chris.  I shot once and that was enough for me.  I'm good.  I checked the box.
  • We attended my company's summer outing at the Round Rock Express stadium.  The boys enjoyed the baseball game more than I expected they would.
  • Chris was promoted to Senior Deputy.
  • We took the boys to the McKenna Childrens' Museum.  If McKenna was closer, we would go there more often but I can't justify the hour drive there to go a lot.  The boys loved it.  Jackson went 90 to nothing the entire time we were there.  I have decided my boy has one speed: GO!
  • As of the end of the month, I have lost 10 pounds.  Chris joined me on my Weight Watchers journey and he is down 15 pounds as well.


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