Bring Back the Words Week 8: TV Time

Prompt 1: Share your top 10 favorite TV shows with us.
One of the questions Ginger gave us this week was to list our top 10 all-time favorite TV shows.  Just like the movies last week, it was hard to narrow it down to 10.  I love TV.  I watch a lot of TV.  I easily have more than 10 shows scheduled a week on my DVR.  So I really had to think about the shows that I could rewatch again and again or the ones I was upset to see cancelled.  Here is my top 10 (in no particular order) with a few extras added in.
  1. Sex and the City - We didn't have HBO when Sex and the City was on so I didn't watch it until after it was over and I purchased the entire box set.  I loved this series.  I firmly believe there is a Sex and the City episode that relates to most of the issues women face.  I can think of several episodes that I have encountered personally.  (I'm a Charlotte by the way.)
  2. JAG - This was a show that my parents and I would watch each week.  It played into my love of men in uniform and had me wanting to go to law school just so I could go JAG.  I know that most JAG officers don't deal with all the exciting encounters that they did on the show but it just still made the career seem fun.  I still wish I knew what happened with Harm and Mac after the show ended.
  3. Friday Night Lights - This was another show that I watched after it ended and I still can't figure out what I didn't watch it when it was on with as much as I love football.  This show was amazing.  The cast was amazing.  The storylines were amazing.  I am still sad that FNL is no longer on the air.  I will admit that I am not a Riggins fan.  I started to like him as the show progressed but I always thought he look kind of greasy to me.
  4. Downton Abbey - I started Downton around the time the 2nd season was starting by catching up on season 1 on Amazon Instant Video and I was instantly sucked in.  There is just something you want to love about the characters.  You get invested in them.  You want to root for them and you want to see how their lives play out.  I'm still mad about the season 3 finale.  I cried when Lady Sybil died because it hit so close to home.  I can't wait to see what is next both upstairs and down.
  5. Gilmore Girls - Oh my favorite fast talking mother-daughter duo.  There were days I wanted to tell them to step away from the coffee.  But the show had such fun, quirky characters.  I really wanted to live in Stars Hollow becuase it just seemed quant.  But, why oh why, did Rory tell Logan no?
  6. Smash - A show about the creation of a Broadway musical...what's not to love?  The entire 1st season I wanted Bombshell to be a real musical.  Unfortunately, they went down a different path the 2nd season and tanked the series.  I was sad to see it end but they didn't carry on with what made the show great during the 1st season.
  7. Boy Meets World - Boy Meets World started around the time The Wonder Years ended and I loved Fred Savage so much that I wanted to see what his little brother could do.  The only episodeI ever missed was Cory and Topagna's wedding.  One day I will track it down to see it.  I am looking forward to Girl Meets World next year.  I hope it lives up to my expectations.
  8. The Wonder Years - I am still sad to know that Winnie Cooper and Kevin Arnold didn't end up together.  I grew up with their characters.  I watched history unfold in front of their eyes in a way that made it seem like I was there living it with them.  And I hate that I can't buy this on DVD because of all of the music rights associated with the show.
  9. So You Think You Can Dance - If I was younger, in better shape, and a better dancer, I would totally try out for this show.  This is the one reality show that I really can get in to. I have watched and loved it from the beginning even the seasons where I wasn't as invested in the dancers.  I even watched the season finale in 2011 during one of my hospital stays the summer Jackson was born.
  10. Dawson's Creek - Joey, Pacey, and Dawson...what a love triangle.  I'm sorry, guys, but I wanted Dawson to win.  After all, it was his show and his lake. But I think it ended well except for the whole Jen dying thing and leaving her baby behind.   
Honorable Mentions: Glee, Lost, Felicity, One Tree Hill, West Wing, and Friends. All great shows that I loved as well and never wanted to miss an episode but didn't quite make my top 10.

What are you all-time favorite TV shows?  Want to see what everyone else is saying?  Check out this week's linkup on Ginger's blog.


Anonymous said…
I can't believe I forgot to put SATC on my list. And Boy Meets World! It might not be top 10 for me, but I loved that show.
CraftyHope said…
D'WHAT about Dawson's!!!????
I'm trying to work my way through the series since I never watched it and am in the middle of season 4. Spoiler!! Eesh!
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your list and agree with quite a few. Though, I don't own hardly any TV shows on DVD. I BEGGED for Friends but got a TiVo instead. Ha!
Ginger said…
Oh, Boy Meets World. MAN I loved that show.

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