Movie Time

Prompt 2:  Give us your top 10 favorite movies of all time.
So Ginger gave us something a little different to work with this week for our weekly link-up prompts.  We are supposed to list our top 10 favorite all time movies.  Well, most of my fellow bloggers couldn't limit it to just 10 and I'm not sure I will be able to either.  So I have decided to just list my favorite movies in no particular order.
  1. Mona Lisa Smile - This movie reminds me so much of my college experience.  Even a women's college in the 90s had a tendency to feel like we were still living in the 50s or 60s.
  2. Under the Tuscan Sun - I watched this the first time around the time I was going through my divorce and it just hit home.  While I didn't decide to movie to Tuscany, I did decide to move to Austin all on my own.  Not exactly the same (OK...not even close) but I knew what Frances was going through.
  3. Chasing Amy - I love Kevin Smith movies but this one is my favorite of his.
  4. Lion King - If I had to pick one Disney movie, this would be it.  I was a senior in high school when this came out and I watched it several times to the point I had it memorized.  I almost did Jackson's nursery in Lion King until I found all the elephant stuff we ended up using.
  5. Center Stage - As a dancer, how could I not love this movie.  This was the life I wanted as a teenager when all I did was dance.  Only I'm not that good.  (I have bad feet!)  Who wouldn't want to do the final dance sequence though with the red shoes and everything.  Just fabulous!
  6. Rent - Have I ever mentioned the time I saw Rent 3 times in one week just because it featured Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal and I wanted to make sure I got the opportunity to see the guys who created the roles in the show? No, really?  Yeah, that was about 5 years ago right after I moved to Austin and Anthony and Adam were touring with the show.  It was amazing.  So is this movie.  Most of the original Broadway cast reprised their roles which helped to keep it true to the show.  I just love this.
  7. Courageous - Chris and I love this movie not only because of the lesson it teaches but also there are some really funny scenes (The Snake Kings scene!)
  8. The Blind Side - There is nothing I love more than a good football movie (except maybe a musical) and this is one of the best football movies out there.  Sandra Bullock is great as Leigh Anne Tuohy and I just want to hug Micheal Oher.  It warmed my heart to see him playing in the Super Bowl this year along with a couple of my Bama Boys (Mount Cody!)
  9. Les Miserable - Chris and I saw this during one of our date nights early this year and I just didn't want it to end.  The cast was so well selected and it was so well done.  I was completely sucked in just like I have been the 2 times I've seen this show live.
  10. 13 Going on 30 - I really do think this was one of Jennifer Garner's best roles.  Plus the Thriller dance scene...I want to learn the Thriller dance now.
So I narrowed it to 10 but there are some other movies that I have to mention that I will watch every time I see them on TV even though we have them on DVD.
  • For the Boys
  • Beaches
  • Steel Magnolias
  • The Notebook
  • Legally Blonde 1 and 2
  • Grease
  • any of the Harry Potter movies
  • Mary Poppins
  • Wizard of Oz
  • Hairspray
  • A Few Good Men
  • Chicago
  • Shag
Well, I guess I could basically list my entire DVD collection since I only buy movies I really love and would watch over and over again.  I will also note that this does not include any of the movies we watch regularly thanks to a certain tiny man (I'm looking at you, Cars, Finding Nemo, and The League of Incredible Vegetables!)

Want to find out what other movies my fellow bloggers loved, check out Ginger's Bring Back the Words link up!


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