Eleven Questions

Nobody tagged me, but it seems like all my pocket friends are doing this right now so I figured it was a good excuse to dust off the old blog and do a few updates.

1. What is your favorite kind of cheese? My current favorite would probably be Jarlsberg. We bought a giant block of it from Sam's and I will just stand in the kitchen and cut off chunks of it to munch on.
2. What are you excited about? My new job! I start in a couple of weeks and I am really excited that I won't have a long commute anymore so I can spend more time at home.
3. How did you celebrate your last birthday? I cannot for the life of me remember anything about my birthday last year. I can't even remember what Chris got me as a gift. I feel terrible but I have no idea. I guess that means we will have to have a big celebration this year.
4. What is on your bedside table? A lamp, a couple of books, my iPad, a picture of Maverick, the baby monitor, and all the remotes for our bedroom TV for certain. Probably some change, random jewelry I discard at night, and a cup that needs to go back to the kitchen.
5. What do you order from the movie theater concession stand? We don't go to the movies very often so when we do it is either to Alamo or Flix and we order dinner. If I go to a normal theater, I would probably get popcorn and a drink.
6. Do you have a garden? What’s growing? Sure I have a garden. It's called the HEB produce department. I inherited my mother's brown thumb so I just stay away from plants.
7. Any summer plans? Well, we were going to spend a week in Alabama with a side trip to Charleston to pick up Sean but the new job has kind of derailed those plans. So now we are debating a weekend trip to somewhere close by (Brenham, Waco, or Fredericksburg). Other than that, nothing exciting.
8. Which TV couple(s) are you rooting for? Jackson and April on Grey's Anatomy. I just love them together. I have from the start and I loved it when Jackson stood up at April's wedding to Mathew and declared his love for her. So perfect! So romantic! And then they ran off and got married. I really want things to go well for them.
9. What’s the last thing you bought? Other than food? I ordered some clothes for my new job and I bought a couple of Planes items from the dollar spot at Target for Jackson.
10. What’s one thing you are passionate about? I am pretty passionate about volunteering. I love being able to work with different organizations to put on an event and see the end result.
11. What are you grateful for this week? I am grateful that Jackson and I were able to go home for a few days and see my nephew graduate from high school.


CraftyHope said…
A new job!? Somehow I completely missed that news. Congrats. It seems like you're pretty excited about it so I suppose it's a good thing.
I'm going to have to try that cheese. I'm not sure I've had it before and I'm a pretty big cheese fan. . .perhaps that's how my waist has stayed pretty big, dangit. ;)

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