2015 To Do List

You would think it would be easy to come up with things you want to accomplish during a year but I'm struggling this year.  My focus is on buying a house and moving right now so everything else seems secondary and feels like it will change as soon as that happens. But after reading through a few other 2015 to do lists, I have finally come up with a decent list for myself for this year.  

1. Buy a house.
2. Finish my JLA Provisional year in May.
3. Start my community placement in the fall.
4. Get Jackson involved in some sort of activity.
5. Get the boys back into swim lessons. 
6. Take a vacation. 
7. Celebrate our 5th anniversary in June. 
8. Welcome my newest nephew in April.
9. See Alabama play in the Cowboys Classic in September. 
10. Work on a Budget and stick to it.
11. Do something about my weight.
12. Celebrate Jackson's 4th birthday in July.
13. Volunteer at VBS.
14. Make time to read.
15. Buy a new bed for Jackson to replace the toddler bed.
16. Spend a long weekend in Houston with my brother.
17. Spend a weekend with Chris's family in Wicitia Falls (that doesn't include a funeral).
18. Get caught up on Jackson's yearly picture books.
19. Cross stitch something and have it framed.
20. See the sights of Austin.
21. Schedule a family photo shot.
22. Close out our storage unit.
23. Use my fine china and Christmas china this year.
24. Establish and stick to a cleaning and laundry schedule.
25. Make the most of our Y membership.

I think that is a decent start. I'll check back in a couple of months down the road to see how I'm dong and if I need to make any changes to this list.


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