My Past Self

What’s something about you today that would totally shock 10 year old you? Why the change?

     At career day in 5th grade, ten year old me dressed up in a hot pink unitard and stated that I wanted to be a dance teacher and open my own dance studio. Ten year old me would be shocked that I don't dance anymore.  Mom put me in dance at age 5 because I need an activity to get my energy out. For the next 12 years, Gale's Studio of Dance was my second home. I would do dance camp in the summers. I would do my homework in the dressing room between classes. It was my life until high school. In high school, I started to branch out and get involved in school activities.  I was in band, a cheerleader, on dance team, and in clubs.  I also started to realize that I wasn't as good of a dancer as others around me and the idea of making dance my life wasn't realistic.  I quit dance half way through my junior year in high school. I was recovering from the chicken pox and I had just found out I made the Azalea Trail Court for the next year. I just didn't have time for it anymore and my teacher resented the fact that doesn't wasn't my sole focus any longer. I dusted off my pointe shoes my Freshman year in college and took Ballet for my PE credits. By then I knew it wasn't my career but I still enjoyed it. Since then, I have danced in a few shows at the University of Mobile and did two years as a Can Can dancer for Wild West Night for the Fort Hood Officers' Wives Club. But extra age, extra weight, and lack of consistent training have taken a toll on my body. I just don't have the stamina for it anymore.  I missing dancing but I'm not sure dancing misses me.


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